The Cleveland Heights Municipal Court was established along with other municipal courts, by legislature in 1953 under Chapter 1901.01 of the Ohio Revised Code. The City of Cleveland Heights Court has jurisdiction within the corporate limits of The City of Cleveland Heights and is a court of record.
Hours of Operation
Monday - Friday
8:30am - 4:30pm
The Court is closed on weekends and legal holidays.
The above schedule is subject to change.
This schedule changes whenever there is a
Legal Holiday.
Court Location
Cleveland Heights Municipal Court
40 Severance Circle
Cleveland Heights, Ohio, 44118
General Questions | (216) 291-4901 |
Pay Fines & Costs | (216) 291-4901 X2 |
Criminal/Traffic/Housing | (216) 291-4901 X3 |
Civil Division | (216) 291-4901 X4 |
Juror Information | (216) 291-4901 X7 |
Mission Statement
The Cleveland Heights Municipal Court will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of Ohio. It will administer justice without respect to persons and faithfully and impartially discharge and perform all the duties incumbent it. The Court will handle each matter that comes before it efficiently and judiciously, always upholding its independence, integrity, and impartiality.
About the Court
The Cleveland Heights Municipal Court has jurisdiction within the corporate limits of Cleveland Heights. The subject-matter jurisdiction of the Court, that is, the types of cases that the Court can hear, includes preliminary hearings in felony cases, traffic and criminal misdemeanors, civil cases in which the amount of money in dispute does not exceed $15,000, and small claims cases in which the amount of money in dispute does not exceed $6,000. The Judge also has the authority to perform marriages. For more information about any please see the Court Information heading of this website.
Court Session Days And Times
Monday | Jury Trials (Only on Select Dates) | 8:30am |
Magistrate Sentencing/PV Hearings (Only on Select Mondays) | 9:30am | |
Sentencing | 1:30pm | |
Civil Hearings | 1:30pm | |
Tuesday | Housing Docket | 9:00am |
Special Hearing Docket | 10:30am | |
Criminal Arraignments | 1:30pm | |
Pre-Trials | 1:30pm | |
Wednesday | Traffic Arraignments | 9:00am |
Eviction Docket | 9:30am | |
DUS Arraignments | 1:00pm | |
DUS Trials | 2:30pm | |
Thursday | Trials | 9:00am |
Traffic Trials | 1:00pm | |
Friday | Time-To-Pay Docket (Only On Select Fridays) | 9:30am |